The Fennel Shed Summer Sewing Weekend

7th-10th June 2019

Friday 7th June 2019: Fennel Shed OPEN for Check-in 4.00 – 6.30 p.m. – a chance to sort/select fabrics that might be useful during the weekend. Bring things from your stash that have been forgotten or neglected and we will assess what can be made from them; forgotten fat quarters, yardage, layer cakes, strips or other pre-cuts, chances are we’ll be able to help you find ways to use them.

Meet for dinner 7.30 p.m. at a local restaurant.

Saturday 8th June 2019
9.30 a.m. – 4.30 p.m.

An all-day Demo/Class/Workshop on how to use up fabrics that you already have in your stash. We begin the day with a detailed demonstration on how to make all kinds of blocks that together can form quilts or smaller projects. Loads of ideas, tips, tricks and techniques.
After a break for elevenses, the demo becomes a class, with loads of one-to-one teaching opportunities, where participants can choose to work on ANY element of the earlier demonstration.

We will take a break for lunch, after which the class re-convenes but now as an all-in workshop, lots of sewing and sharing going on, everyone free to follow their own agenda at their own pace.

We finish with Afternoon Tea at 4.00 p.m., and a chance to evaluate what we have managed to produce or even just to have made a start on, and relax at the end of a good day’s sewing.

(Meet for dinner at 7.30 p.m. for those staying overnight in the area)

Sunday 9th June 2019
11.00 a.m. – 4.00 p.m.
“Gabriella’s Chandelier”

This quilt has been so popular this year, I just had to do my own version of the pattern.
Again we start with a demonstration of how the quilt is cut and planned (including assessment of quantities required for various sizes), then spend the rest of the day sewing, making blocks, making plans and setting colour combinations in place.

We serve tea and scones to welcome you on arrival, (bring a packed lunch for middle of day if you wish), then Afternoon Tea when we finish up at 4.00 p.m.

Monday 10th June 2019
10.00 a.m. – 4.00 p.m.
“And Sew On”…

It has become a tradition that we reserve this Monday as a follow-on sewing day for anyone that wants to stay over and keep on sewing on any project begun during the weeknd, or any other project of choice Monday is a totally informal day of stitching, chatting and planning, with usually a fair bit of laughter along the way.

Two-Day Ticket Saturday + Sunday €90.00
Three-Day Ticket €115.00

Places are limited to 15 maximum to ensure lots of attention to each student.
Sewing Machines and other equipment can be provided but must be requested in advance.
Full list of materials for both Saturday and Sunday projects available.